Exceptional trip, first of its kind. Art and culture are not the exclusive property of Florence but of Tuscany as a whole. A week of sightseeing in Tuscany - cities, towns, villages, museums, churches, monasteries and other cultural caches with the unique views of Tuscany. A leisurely stroll, a star
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Caprarola, 01032 Caprarola, VT, Italy
About the Event
Day 1: Rome - Palace of Frenza in Caparola - Tuscany
in the morning from Rome we will head towords start driving towards Tuscany . On our way north we will stop at the town, Caprarola, where stands a huge and impressive palace of the Franza family (the one we know from Rome). We will enter the palace and see the artistic richness of the place. From there we will continue on our way to the hotel located in central Tuscany, after getting organized and resting in the rooms. First dinner is shared at the hotel.
Day 2: San Galagano - Siena Monastery Take the first stop - the San Galagano Monastery, which is an extraordinary monastery in a building that is only a church skeleton - an unparalleled phenomenon, we hear about the strange story. In Siena we will spend all day. We will visit the Municipal Museum located in the Old Town Hall , visit the magnificent baptismal house and rich Duomo which contains masterpieces by Donatello, Pintoricio and Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini and many others. We Duomo to the museum next door with a masterpiece of Duccio , original works outside and the Duomo and other treasures of the city. On our way out of town (if possible) we will also visit the only synagogue in the city. We will visit the churchThe magnificent San Domenico and hear the story of the founder of the Order. Dinner at the restaurant.
Day 3 : Cortona -
Today we will visit two magical cities in Tuscany. One is Cortona, perched on a high cliff with breathtaking views. We will visit the city at the Etruscan Museum and hear the story of the early residents of this area and continue to another museum where works by Pre Angelico, Luca Seniori and others. We will enter the Duomo and continue the tour of the picturesque alleys of the city. The other city today is Giorgio and Azaris hometown . In the city we will visit the historic center , in the church of San Francesco, where artist Piero Della Francesca painted the cycle of murals recounting the discovery of the "true cross" , enter the house of Vasari and finishIn the city 's medieval art museum . Dinner at a local restaurant.
Day 4 : Carrara - Michelangelo's marble We will spend an entire day studying the art of marble and sculpture. We will head north to the town of Carrara, famous around the world for its marble quarries. The scenery is really surreal unlike anything we knew but this is the other Tuscany. The town is full of marble processing workshops and sculpture workshops and attracts artists and sculptors from all over the world. We ascend to the 450-foot-tall marble quarries and enter a fascinating visit to the active "marble cave" to this day. We will continue to visit the marble museum and at the end of the visit we will have lunch at an authentic local restaurant where the local marble people dine. (If possible) We will visit a marble artist's workshop and observe his work with explanations of the working methods, materials and tools with which they design and produce the sculpture works. If we can get even give time to visit the Duomo special Carrara. Towards evening we will return to our hotel. Independent dinner.
Day 5 : Pisa - San Gimignano The sea will visit two sites thoroughly and exhaustively. In Pisa, which is familiar to many, we will tour, in addition to the Duomo and the Baptist , also in Campo Santo - the ancient cemetery, in the Duomo Museum (if possible) and reach the river Arno , the one that comes from the city of Florence. We will end the day with a comprehensive visit to the famous San Gimignano town . We will visit two churches whose paintings will leave us open-mouthed - the one, the Duomo with works by Domenico Girlendio and the other, and the other San Augustino with the works of Benzo Guzzoli. We will also visit the Municipal Museum and allow climbing one of the few remaining towers in the town. Independent dinner in town.
Day 6 : Pistoia - Prato - Villa Pujo a Cayo Today we will tour some towns. Let's start with the town of Pistoia where we will see the historic center with the Duomo, the Baptistery and the Municipal Museum . From there we will continue to the city of Prato where the artist Filippo Lippi painted the murals and fell in love with nun Lucretia Botti whom he abducted and later married to a woman. We will hear the story and see his works. We will continue to Villa Fujo a Cano one of the many villas of the Medici family , scattered all over Tuscany where lived and died in the magnificent Lorenzo, 1st Francesco and his wife Bianca Capello. Back to the hotel. A sumptuous meal at the hotel.
Day 7: Monte Olivetti - Monte Polciano - San Biaggio - Pianca - Rome The final day of the seminar in Tuscany will be dedicated to several other picturesque towns. Let's start at the famous Monastery of Monte Oliveto Majora with murals on a huge area of Lucca Senorelli and Sodomá, Raphael 's successor . We will continue to the town of Monte Pulciano (who wants to ascend the steep ridge ) where we will visit Piazza Grande and hear about the town's history. We will visit the Municipal Museum and see the Palazzo Communella - the local government house. From there we will descend to an extraordinary church - San Biagio, built in the form of a Greek cross rather than a basilica as is customary. We will end the week in the town of Pianza, which was architecturally designed to be built as an ideal city. We will roam the town where Pius II was born , which we learned in DuomoOf Siena. From Pianza we will drive back to Rome.
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€ 1.950,00Price
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